Title | Name | Function | Section of | Tel. | Room | |
Prof. MSc. | Hudec Róbert, PhD. | Head of the Department Professor | Head of section of information technologies | robert.hudec@fel.uniza.sk | +421 41 513 2210 | BD 304 |
Assoc. Prof. MSc. | Vaculík Martin, PhD. | Vice-Head of the Department Assoc. Prof. | Head of section of multimedia | martin.vaculik@fel.uniza.sk | +421 41 513 2228 | BD 305 |
Imrišková Jozefa | Secretary | ktam@fel.uniza.sk, jozefa.imriskova@fel.uniza.sk | +421 41 513 2201 | BD 303 | ||
MSc. | Kazimírová Mariana | Administrative Staff | mariana.kazimirova@fel.uniza.sk | +421 41 513 2208 | BD 307 | |
MSc. | Benčo Miroslav, PhD. | Researcher | information technologies | miroslav.benco@fel.uniza.sk | +421 41 513 2262 | BD 306 |
MSc. | Radilová Martina, PhD. | Researcher - Parental Leave | information technologies | martina.radilova@fel.uniza.sk | +421 41 513 2239 | BD 309 |
MSc. | Hlubík Ján, PhD. | Senior Lecturer | multimedia | jan.hlubik@fel.uniza.sk | +421 41 513 2252 | BD 306 |
MSc. | Markovič Miroslav, PhD. | Senior Lecturer | information technologies | miroslav.markovic@fel.uniza.sk | +421 41 513 2229 | BD 335 |
PhDr. | Pitoňáková Slávka, PhD. | Senior Lecturer | multimedia | slavka.pitonakova@mediamatika.sk | +421 41 513 2265 | AC 311 |
Mgr. art. | Soviar Vladimír | Lecturer | multimedia | filmarspoetica@gmail.com | +421 41 513 2048 | BB 321 |
MSc. | Uhrina Miroslav, PhD. | Senior Lecturer | multimedia | miroslav.uhrina@fel.uniza.sk | +421 41 513 2253 | BB 322 |
MSc. | Machaj Juraj, PhD. | Researcher | communication technologies | juraj.machaj@fel.uniza.sk | +421 41 513 2236 | BB 328 |
MSc. | Adamec Bohumil, PhD. | Senior Lecturer | communication technologies | bohumil.adamec@fel.uniza.sk | +421 41 513 2244 | BD 320 |
Prof. MSc. | Brída Peter, PhD. | Vice-Dean for Development and Foreign Affairs Professor | communication technologies | peter.brida@fel.uniza.sk | +421 41 513 2237 | BD 310 |
Prof. MSc. | Dado Milan, PhD. | Professor | Head of section of communication technologies | milan.dado@uniza.sk | +421 41 513 2212 | BD 319 |
Assoc. Prof. MSc. | Hottmar Vladimír, PhD. | Associate Professor | communication technologies | vladimir.hottmar@fel.uniza.sk | +421 41 513 2223 | BD 323 |
MSc. | Jarinová Darina, PhD. | Senior Lecturer Tutor for Telecommunication | communication technologies | darina.jarinova@fel.uniza.sk | +421 41 513 2232 | BD 331 |
Prof. MSc. | Wieser Vladimír, PhD. | Professor | communication technologies | vladimir.wieser@fel.uniza.sk | +421 41 513 2260 | BD 312 |
MSc. | Dolnák Ivan, PhD. | Senior Lecturer | communication technologies | ivan.dolnak@fel.uniza.sk | +421 41 513 2248 | BD 335 |
MSc. | Dubovan Jozef, PhD. | Senior Lecturer | communication technologies | jozef.dubovan@fel.uniza.sk | +421 41 513 2219 | BD 335 |
MSc. | Kortiš Peter, PhD. | Senior Lecturer | communication technologies | peter.kortis@fel.uniza.sk | +421 41 513 2259 | BD 321 |
MSc. | Litvik Ján, PhD. | Researcher | communication technologies | jan.litvik@fel.uniza.sk | +421 41 513 2247 | BD 335 |
Assoc. Prof. MSc. | Počta Peter, PhD. | Associate Professor | information technologies | peter.pocta@fel.uniza.sk | +421 41 513 2242 | BD 310 |
Assoc. Prof. MSc. | Schwartz Ladislav, PhD. | Associate Professor | communication technologies | ladislav.schwartz@fel.uniza.sk | +421 41 513 2214 | BD 313 |
Assoc. Prof. MSc. | Trunkvalter Milan, PhD. | 1. Vice-Rector of the University of Zilina Associate Professor | communication technologies | milan.trunkvalter@fel.uniza.sk | +421 41 513 2233 | rektorát - AA 322 |
MSc. | Vestenický Martin, PhD. | Senior Lecturer | communication technologies | martin.vestenicky@fel.uniza.sk | +421 41 513 2255 | BB 320 |
MSc. | Chmulík Michal, PhD. | Senior Lecturer | multimedia | michal.chmulik@fel.uniza.sk | +421 41 513 2264 | BD 308 |
Assoc. Prof. MSc. | Jarina Roman, PhD. | Associate Professor | information technologies | roman.jarina@fel.uniza.sk | +421 41 513 2213 | BD 325 |
MSc. | Kamencay Patrik, PhD. | Senior Lecturer | information technologies | patrik.kamencay@fel.uniza.sk | +421 41 513 2225 | BD 328 |
MSc. | Kuba Michal, PhD. | Senior Lecturer | information technologies | michal.kuba@fel.uniza.sk | +421 41 513 2254 | BD 321 |
MSc. | Paralič Martin, PhD. | Senior Lecturer | information technologies | martin.paralic@fel.uniza.sk | +421 41 513 2266 | BD 331 |
Assoc. Prof. MSc. | Tichá Daša, PhD. | Clerk of the Department Associate Professor | information technologies | dasa.ticha@fel.uniza.sk | +421 41 513 2224 | BD 324 |
Bc. | Karch Miloslav | Technical Support | miloslav.karch@fel.uniza.sk | +421 41 513 2206 | BB 322 | |
MSc. | Malík Miroslav | PhD. Student | miroslav.malik@fel.uniza.sk | +421 41 513 2251 | BD 308 | |
Prokšová Katarína | Administrative Staff | katarina.proksova@fel.uniza.sk | +421 41 513 2207 | BD 311 | ||
MSc. | Šinko Martin | PhD. Student | martin.sinko@fel.uniza.sk | +421 41 513 2246 | BD 309 | |
MSc. | Sýkora Peter | Researcher | information technologies | peter.sykora@fel.uniza.sk | +421 41 513 2238 | BD 309 |
MSc. | Ščigulinský Matej | Lecturer | matej.scigulinsky@fel.uniza.sk | +421 41 513 2203 | BD 309 | |
MSc. | Ďurček Viktor | PhD. Student | viktor.durcek@fel.uniza.sk | +421 41 513 2241 | BD 327 | |
MSc. | Bielik Tomáš | PhD. Student | tomas.bielik@fel.uniza.sk | +421 41 513 2220 | BD 327 | |
MSc. | Bienik Juraj | PhD. Student Tutor for Multimedia Technologies | juraj.bienik@fel.uniza.sk | +421 41 513 2049 | BB 322 | |
MSc. | Petrásková Lujza | Lecturer | lujza.petraskova@fel.uniza.sk | +421 41 513 2204 | BD 309 | |
MSc. | Orješek Richard | PhD. Student | richard.orjesek@fel.uniza.sk | +421 41 513 2240 | BD 308 | |
MSc. | Miždoš Tomáš | PhD. Student | tomas.mizdos@fel.uniza.sk | +421 41 513 2256 | BD 309 | |
MSc. | Frniak Michal | PhD. Student | michal.frniak@fel.uniza.sk | +421 41 513 2230 | BD 327 | |
MSc. | Petrov Tibor | PhD. Student | tibor.petrov@fel.uniza.sk | +421 41 513 2202 | BD 327 |